Although our journey towards the understanding of DICER1 Syndrome has just commenced, the knowledge gained now enables caregivers to recognize the major features of the syndrome, to counsel families about the mutation status in their families and to offer surveillance for certain conditions that can occur in those carrying DICER1 mutations. This Canadian research network will work to provide additional information about this rare disease, provided by individuals that could be considered authorities in the study of this syndrome such as clinician-researchers Dr. William Foulkes and Dr. David Malkin. Our expertly curated database provides one of the most complete and accessible DICER1 repositories available for researchers. DICER1 mutated tumors are generally rare, and therefore the study of DICER1 syndrome is limited by the number of cases which occur. This website provides a nationwide resource for dissemination of the significant information which has already been learned about DICER1 syndrome and for continued case and specimen collection.